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ASBIS ziņas

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SanDisk New Partner Portal

Jūlijs 22, 2014


SanDisk New Partner Portal

Register till the end of Q3'2014, get all the benefits and win 1 of 3 ASBIS gift vouchers worth 250USD each

Buy online

SanDisk SSD drives

With the launch of the SanDisk Premier Partner Program website you can look forward to unlimited access to all the resources you need to maximize sales opportunities of SanDisk business SSDs.

The new website has not only been upgraded to feature a new look and feel; it's also now loaded with useful sales and marketing tools, plus special benefits to help you sell more and boost your profits:

  • A dedicated platform for SanDisk Premier Partners.
  • A comprehensive suite of sales and marketing tools (images, videos and ready built templates) to maximize sales opportunities.
  • More detailed product information.
  • The latest industry news to stay informed.
  • SanDisk training support.

New Partner Program is available in 9 different languages, including English, Russian and Turkish. 


The new program will help boost your business and your margin.

All ASBIS Group partners who register in SanDisk Partner Program till the end of Q3'2014 and mention ASBIS as preffered distributor when fulfilling the registration form* will participate in a lucky draw of 1 of 3 gift vouchers worth 250USD each. Winner selection will be made with the help of random.org website.

*When you choose VAR, SI, DMR etc type of business a new window will open and there you need to add ASBIS and your manager. This doesn't affect your right to buy goods from other sources.

Don't miss a chance to get all the benefits and even more. Register now at http://premierpartner.sandisk.com

Visi ASBIS produkti tiek pārdoti klientam ievērojot pārdošanas nosacījumus un noteikumus, kādi ir spēkā produktu pārdošanas brīdī. Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka ASBIS ir datortehnikas un programmatūru vairumtirdzniecības piegādātājs Eiropas, Vidus Āzijas un Āfrikas valstīs. Kompānija sadarbojas ar B2B klientiem, kā tālākpārdevējiem, mazumtirdzniecības pārstāvjiem, e-pārdevējiem, sistēmas administratoriem un OEM. ASBIS nepiegādā produkciju tieši gala patērētājam. Apmeklējiet ASBIS mājās lapā sadaļu tālākpārdevējiem, lai uzzinātu jums tuvākā IT veikala atrašanās vietu.