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ASBIS nodrošina plašu klāstu IT produktu saviem klientiem visā Latvijā. Lai uzzinātu sev tuvāk esošā veikala atrašanās vietu, apmeklējiet ASBIS dīleru sadaļu

ASBIS ziņas

Septembris 02, 2024
Best place to put a space heater – How to use a heater in the room
Augusts 14, 2024
Introducing the World to its All-Round FastCharge 2.0 and HyperSpeed Lab for ...
Augusts 08, 2024
AMD Ryzen™ 9000 Series processors
Jūlijs 30, 2024
ASBIS, as distributor of Ubiquiti, a leading provider of networking technology, ...
Jūlijs 25, 2024
Meet the new pack of opportunities to earn more Intel points when purchasing ...
Jūnijs 25, 2024
ASBISC Enterprises Plc, a leading Value-Added Distributor, developer, and ...

Oktobris 25, 2002


ASBIS saņēma apbalvojumu no Seagate par sekmīgu sadarbību.

ASBIS received the award from Seagate for celebrating 10 years of successful partnership.

About Seagate

Seagate delivers advanced digital storage solutions to meet the needs of today’s consumers and tomorrow’s applications. Seagate designs, owns and manufactures all of the core technologies needed to develop individual storage products, including heads, media, motors and printed circuit boards. Without reliance on third parties to supply components, the company has complete control of its entire development process and product roadmap—from component supply to technology improvements. As a result, product quality, margins and time to market are vastly improved—enabling Seagate to quickly meet the quality, reliability and supply demands of its customers.

Seagate Technology has been at the forefront of the storage industry for more than 25 years. With corporate offices in Scotts Valley, California, Seagate employs more than 56,000 people around the world—all contributing to the development of the company’s next-generation storage products. From the first 5.25-inch hard drive for the PC to the development of perpendicular recording technology, the company has been pioneering new industry standards that have fueled advancements in the digital information age. Through technology leadership and innovation, Seagate continues to help individuals and businesses maximize the potential of their digital content in an ever-evolving, on-demand world.

For more information please visit www.seagate.com

Visi ASBIS produkti tiek pārdoti klientam ievērojot pārdošanas nosacījumus un noteikumus, kādi ir spēkā produktu pārdošanas brīdī. Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka ASBIS ir datortehnikas un programmatūru vairumtirdzniecības piegādātājs Eiropas, Vidus Āzijas un Āfrikas valstīs. Kompānija sadarbojas ar B2B klientiem, kā tālākpārdevējiem, mazumtirdzniecības pārstāvjiem, e-pārdevējiem, sistēmas administratoriem un OEM. ASBIS nepiegādā produkciju tieši gala patērētājam. Apmeklējiet ASBIS mājās lapā sadaļu tālākpārdevējiem, lai uzzinātu jums tuvākā IT veikala atrašanās vietu.